
Thursday 26 April 2012

Video: Liberia's Charles Taylor Ex-Wife Speaks "Who Are Those Responsible?" | Ex-mulher Falar de Charles Taylor

Following are recent article on Charles Taylor (if you haven't read it click here), we now have an interview of his ex wife below, click to watch. A quote from her at the very end of the video states "When people talk about the person with the greatest responsibility for example, who are those people? I think soldiers and civilians who got caught up in the war didn't have a choice. There are no arms factories on the African continent. Who raised the arms, who provided the funding that begun this process. A lot of them are in western (foreign) countries around the world, some here at home that have now become the darlings of the West (foreign/western countries). Some of them are not being questioned on the roles that they played."

Après sont récent article sur Charles Taylor (si vous n'avez pas lu, cliquez ici), nous avons maintenant une interview de son ex-femme ci-dessous, cliquez sur à regarder. Une citation de son à la fin des Etats vidéo "Quand les gens parler de la personne avec la plus grande responsabilité, par exemple, qui sont ces gens? Je pense que les soldats et les civils qui se sont pris dans la guerre n'a pas eu le choix. Il n'y a pas les usines d'armement sur ​​le continent africain. qui a élevé les bras, qui ont fourni le financement qui a commencé ce processus. Un grand nombre d'entre eux sont en Europe occidentale (étrangère) pays à travers le monde, quelques-uns ici à la maison que sont devenus les chouchous de l'Ouest (étrangers / pays occidentaux). Certains d'entre eux ne sont pas interrogés sur les rôles qu'ils ont joué."

Seguem-se recente artigo sobre Charles Taylor (se você não leu clique aqui), agora temos uma entrevista de sua ex-mulher abaixo, clique para assistir. A citação de seu no final dos estados de vídeo "Quando as pessoas falam sobre a pessoa com a maior responsabilidade, por exemplo, quem são essas pessoas? Eu acho que soldados e civis que foi pego na guerra não tem escolha. Não há fábricas de armas no continente Africano. Quem levantou os braços, que forneceram o financiamento, que começou este processo. muitos deles estão em ocidentais (estrangeira) países ao redor do mundo, alguns aqui em casa que já se tornaram os queridinhos de Ocidente (estrangeiros / western países). Alguns deles não estão sendo questionados sobre os papéis que eles jogaram. "


  1. She has a point in stating that the arms manufacturers in the west (or maybe Russia?) bear some responsibility.

    However, let's be clear here: they didn't order public executions, rapings, limb hacking or other atrocities. From what I understand from the news (correct me if I'm wrong) - It was Charles Taylor who did.

  2. Possibly true, but even that was also questionable.
