
Monday 11 June 2012

Boko Haram Strikes Back! 11 Dead, Many More Injured!!!

Once again another church has been attacked, actually two churches. The mere fact of writing this article is even exhausting.

Gunmen, yesterday, attacked a church in Jos and Biu town in Borno State, killing five people and injuring several others. Also, this morning monday, a suicide bomber drove into the auditorium of Christ Chosen Church, along Rukuba Road in Jos North LGA, during worship hours, in a bomb-laden car which exploded, killing no fewer than 10 worshippers and over 60 critically injured. In Biu, gunmen invaded the EYN Church and opened fire on the worshippers. Many of the worshippers were said to have been killed while others received various degrees of injuries.

Apparantly, the Jama'atu Ahlis Sunnati Lidda'awati Wal Jihad also known as Boko Haram yesterday said its members were responsible for the suicide attack on a Church in Jos, Plateau State as well as the shooting of worshipers in another Church in Biu, Borno State.

Last week a nigerian lady from Mabushi, Abuja expressed her thoughts about Boko Haram to the Miss West Africa organisation via skype stating "Most of us don't believe all this that is going on, Boko Haram used to be a respectful group here. We believe what is going on is by foreign companies in order to interfere in Nigeria now that our economy is growing. How can an organisation claim it is fighting against the government for the people, yet spend half it's time killing the people. A lot of us here are muslims, we don't do this kind of stuff. It is not real at all. Even on the internet there is more information that this group is not real, because we have never seen these killers before!"

She continued further in the conversation "if you watch the news and someone translates what they say to you, you will see these guys are not even smart enough to put meaning to their objectives yet they are smart enough to out do the law and make bombs! Also let us not forget their attacks on the people only began when we were standing up against the removal of the oil subsidiary. Now with all the Boko Haram this issue has been swept under the carpet, making those who looked like enemies of the people, now look like heroes. Further more, the Court turns down Nigeria oil protest case in the Niger Delta!.....Who ever is doing this and getting these people to kill Nigerians, we are not fools if there is something going on these days then it is the people who want our oil and don't want to see us grow" (Quote copied and pasted exactly as in conversation, with a few spelling and gramma corrections)

Following her quote, The US Supreme Court on Monday 23rd April, declined to take up an appeal by 19 Nigerians seeking to invoke a US anti-torture law to sue oil giant Chevron over deaths in the Niger Delta. A spilling by Shell that ended up taking the lives of many Nigerians. This was after the Nigerian government release stories that the head figures of Boko Haram had been killed.

On behalf of this blog we can not confirm how true her statements are but it is definitely something to think about. It is a very sad incidence and may the dead victims rest in peace, most importantly we wish the best upon their families.

Source: All, Leadership Paper, Daily Trust.

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