
Sunday 18 December 2011

Miss West Africa International Final - part 1

English: The moment everyone has been waiting for, the culmination of Miss West Africa events all over the World has arrived as The Miss West Africa International Final has taken place at the Karaiba Hotel, Banjul Gambia. In front of a packed audience and VIP's, the evening began with the Introduction and Swimwear rounds:

Francais: Le tout moment a été d'attente pour l'aboutissement d'événements Mlle Afrique de l'Ouest à travers le monde est arrivé que La Miss Afrique de l'Ouest Finale Internationale a eu lieu à l'Hôtel Karaiba, Banjul en Gambie. Devant une salle comble et VIP, la soirée a commencé avec l'introduction et tours de bain:

Portuguese: O momento tem todos estavam esperando, o culminar de eventos senhorita África Ocidental em todo o mundo chegou como The West Africa senhorita Final Internacional teve lugar no Hotel Karaiba, Banjul na Gâmbia. Na frente de uma platéia lotada e VIP, a noite começou com a Introdução e rodadas de banho:

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