
Friday 18 November 2011

Let's Support the Handicapped, A Call to the Whole World by Miss West Africa Cameroon, Dilong Nsang

Francais: Poursuivant sa tournée humanitaire Mlle Afrique de l'Ouest Cameroun, Nsang Dilong visité le centre de handicap SAJOCAH, à Bafut Bamenda, région Nord-Ouest du Cameroun et a rencontré le personnel, les aides et les enfants etc Elle a parlé à l'aveugle, et aussi avec les enfants handicapés et les adultes qui ne peuvent pas travailler par eux-mêmes. Elle a ensuite visité l'atelier des centres orthopédiques ainsi que la canne, de chaussures et de confection des ateliers gérés par les personnes handicapées de voir et d'apprendre sur le travail incroyable qu'ils font.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez: St Joseph's Children and Adult Home (SAJOCAH), P.O.Box 2177, Bafut, Mezam Division, North West province, Cameroon.

English: Continuing her humanitarian tour Miss West Africa Cameroon, Nsang Dilong visited the SAJOCAH handicap center, at Bafut Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon and met with the staff, helpers and children etc. She spoke to the blind, and also with the handicapped children and adults who can't work by themselves. She then visited the centers orthopaedic workshop as well as cane, shoe and dress-making workshops run by the people with disabilities to see and learn about the amazing work they do.

For further information, contact: St Joseph's Children and Adult Home (SAJOCAH), P.O.Box 2177, Bafut, Mezam Division, North West province, Cameroon.

Portuguese: Dando continuidade à sua turnê humanitária senhorita África Ocidental Camarões, Nsang Dilong visitou o centro de deficiência SAJOCAH, no Bafut Bamenda, Região Noroeste de Camarões e se reuniu com o pessoal, ajudantes e etc filhos Ela falou para o cego, e também com as crianças deficientes e adultos que não podem trabalhar sozinhas. Ela, então, visitou os centros de oficina ortopédica, bem como de cana, sapato e vestido de tomada de oficinas dirigidas por pessoas com deficiência para ver e aprender sobre o trabalho incrível que eles fazem.

Para mais informações, entre em contato: St Joseph's Children and Adult Home (SAJOCAH), P.O.Box 2177, Bafut, Mezam Division, North West province, Cameroon.


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  1. This is very interesting. I was touched about the people and children living and working in SAJCAH. The disable people are the forgotten generation of cameroon. Thanks to the great work by the Rev Sisters. Let no one say never me. It could be you in that situation or your family member tomorrow. I have lived and taken treatment in SAJOCAH myself as a patient. I never knew that one day it could be me. It changed my approach to life and my notion about disabilty. The conditions are basic but this place is run on charitable basis. The cameroon government do not think about such places meanwhile they make so much noise when it comes to politics. Thanks to our glamour Queen Miss West Africa i hope her publicity brings a lot of light. ngah from Glasgow scotland
