
Monday 24 October 2011

Miss West Africa Sierra Leone Bringing Sunshine to the Raining Season Orphanage

English Miss West Africa Sierra Leone, Stella Bangura with the Raining Season Orphanage. Stella who has a lot of media attention and is usually followed the Sierra Leone TV, took her media coverage to bring attention to the great work of the Raining Season Orphanage. We only wanted to put a few pictures on the blog but they were all so beautiful. Also on the 4th of November Stella Bangura (MWA Sierra Leone) & 1st Face International, in partnership with Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation in collaboration with The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural affairs and sponsored by Africell.

French Miss Afrique de l'Ouest Sierra Leone, Stella Bangura avec l'orphelinat saison des pluies. Stella qui a beaucoup d'attention des médias et est généralement suivie de la Sierra Leone, la télévision, prit sa couverture médiatique pour attirer l'attention à la grande œuvre de l'Orphelinat saison des pluies. Nous avons seulement voulu mettre quelques photos sur le blog, mais ils ont tous été si belle. Aussi, le 4 Novembre Stella Bangura (MWA Sierra Leone) et Visage 1st International, en partenariat avec la pensée rose Fondation du cancer du sein en collaboration avec le ministère du Tourisme et des Affaires culturelles et parrainé par Africell.

Portuguese Miss África Ocidental Serra Leoa, Stella Bangura com o Orfanato Temporada Raining. Stella, que tem um monte de atenção da mídia e é geralmente seguido da Serra Leoa TV, levou-a cobertura da mídia para chamar a atenção para a grande obra do Orfanato Temporada Raining. Nós só queria colocar algumas fotos no blog, mas eles eram todos tão bonitos. Também no 04 de novembro Stella Bangura (MWA Sierra Leone) e Facial 1 Internacional, em parceria com a Fundação Pensamento Cancer da mama, em colaboração com o Ministério do Turismo e Assuntos Culturais e patrocinado pela Africell.

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