
Monday 27 February 2012

Ghana's Top Model Arrested in Connection with Armed Robber Boyfriend

A model, Felivian Ayariga was on Saturday arrested in connection with her boyfriend, Rabiu, Accra’s most wanted armed robber, who was killed in a shoot-out at Ogbojo, near Madina in Accra on Friday.

Rabiu aka Rabba, one of the deceased robbers, and his accomplices are said to be responsible for most armed robberies within Accra and Tema.

The other, Simon Peter, aged about 30, has been identified as the one who shot and killed the Tema cop.

The 26-year-old model from Exopa Modeling Agency (pictured), also known as Dion, is seen on huge billboard around the country advertising for a popular fabric maker. She was detained at the female cells of the Ministries Police Station after her arrest by the Accra Regional Police Command to help them in their investigations on her deceased lover’s escapades. Two ladies aged about 18 years, who were also allegedly dating the notorious armed robber, were also arrested and granted bail after interrogations. While one of the girls was in JHS 1, the other was s second year student of one of the Senior High Schools in Accra.

Felivian’s arrest followed the death of her boyfriend in a bid to recover most of the stolen items from their robbery expeditions, of which the police believed she was a beneficiary. This was not the first time Felivian had been arrested. Three weeks ago, she was picked up and detained at Anyaa but failed to cooperate with the police under the guise of being a former girlfriend of Rabiu.

How Rabiu was caught. A source of daily Ghana said the robbers, after killing the policeman in the Tema bank robbery, bolted and hid their weapons in the garden of somebody’s private property. The police had a tip-off and went for the weapons. When the robbers returned in the hope of recovering their weapons and could not find it, they planned to attack the owner of the house who is a Nigerian.

Police had a hint about the robbers’ intended plan to attack the Nigerian and quickly laid ambush in the said house. The operation, according to the police, would have led to the death of another officer who was surrounded by the three robbers. The police officer sustained a little bruise on the left side of his trunk and he is not in danger. The bodies of the men have since been deposited at the morgue of the Police Hospital.

It's a shame to see such talent like Felivian, which our team at Miss West Africa is familiar with. She was a very opened character whom was always welcoming in the development and guidance of new aspiring models. Nevertheless, a crime is a crime, especially that involving the deaths and killings of others, and we hope what ever results and conclusion derrive from this horrible news. It will be the right one. On another note, we would like to thank the Ghana armed forces, for putting their lives at risk to protect Ghanaians, despite the little 5 or 10GHC they might collect off you if you cross a red light.

Source: Peace FM/Rocklyn Antonio/Daily Guide

Sunday 19 February 2012

Asamoah Gyan Quits Football, Indefinitely! Due to Verbal Abuse.

Ghana's Football Association (GFA) is holding talks with striker Asamoah Gyan, after he said he has has quit international football "indefinitely".

The GFA says Gyan acted because he was "frustrated over the verbal abuse he has received" since the Africa Cup of Nations.

"The GFA is [urging] him to reconsider his decision," a statement said.

Gyan's move follows Ghana's Nations Cup semi-final defeat by Zambia, in which he had a penalty saved.

To be honest, we support his decision if he goes through with it, the verbal abuse and silly images flying at him from Ghanaians was really out of place, joke or not joke.

If he persues this decision, I hope it will be a lesson for those that put out those horrific pictures and images, and also a message to those that support their countries talent to oppose such acts. Go Asamoah, Rule your own destiny! You are already a sports legend, we support whichever decision you make.

Source - BBC, GFA

Wednesday 15 February 2012

An audience with the President for Miss West Africa International

Portuguese: No dia 13 segunda-feira, em seu papel como embaixadora da boa vontade, Miss África Ocidental Internacional, Vanny Reis teve o privilégio de ter uma audiência com o Presidente de Cabo Verde Jorge Carlos Fonseca, para discutir seu trabalho e os projetos que pretende implementar durante seu reinado. Ela é particularmente interessado em programas de segmentação para os idosos que, em suas palavras, "somos uma sociedade esquecida", e anunciou no final da reunião que ela é "fazer um levantamento das famílias que têm idosos ocupantes, e descobrir o seu dificuldades e ver exatamente onde podemos ajudar ", e depois avançando a agenda ainda mais que ela pretende tomar visitas a vários países africanos, incluindo a Nigéria, Gana e Gâmbia, entre outros.

Precedendo a discussão com o presidente, houve também uma reunião de trabalho com a Primeira Dama, Ligia Fonseca, com o objectivo de discutir a colaboração com a Miss África Ocidental sobre seus projetos para os idosos.

Vanny também vai estar falando sobre estes projectos, os seus primeiros 2 meses como Miss África Ocidental, e muitas coisas mais quando ela é entrevistada sobre Dolshradio nesta sexta-feira 17 em 03:00 Verde time/11am Cabo tempo dos EUA. Olhe-se para que na sexta-feira como a sua certeza de ser grande escuta.

English: On Monday 13th, in her role as a goodwill ambassador, Miss West Africa International, Vanny Reis was privileged to have an audience with the President of Cape Verde Jorge Carlos Fonseca to discuss her work and the projects she intends to implement during her reign. She is particulary interested in targetting programs for the elderly who, in her words, "are a forgotten society", and announced at the end of the meeting that she is to "make a survey of households that have elderly occupants, and find out their difficulties and see exactly where we can help,", and then advancing the agenda further she intends to take visits to several African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, and Gambia, amongst others.

Preceding the discussion with the President, there was also a working meeting with the First Lady, Ligia Fonseca, with a view to discussing collaboration with Miss West Africa on her projects for the elderly.

Vanny will also be talking about these projects, her first 2 months as Miss West Africa, and many more things when she is interviewed on Dolshradio this Friday 17th at 3pm Cape Verde time/11am US time. Look-out for that on Friday as its sure to be great listening.

Francais: Le lundi 13, dans son rôle en tant qu'ambassadeur de bonne volonté, Miss Afrique de l'Ouest international, Vanny Reis a eu le privilège d'avoir une audience avec le Président du Cap-Vert Jorge Fonseca Carlos pour discuter de son travail et les projets qu'elle entend mettre en œuvre au cours de son règne. Elle est particulièrement intéressé par des programmes ciblant les personnes âgées pour qui, dans ses mots, "sont une société oubliée", et a annoncé à la fin de la réunion qu'elle est de «faire une enquête auprès des ménages qui ont les occupants âgés, et de trouver leur difficultés et de voir exactement où nous pouvons vous aider, ", puis avancer l'ordre du jour encore, elle a l'intention de prendre des visites dans plusieurs pays africains, notamment le Nigéria, le Ghana et la Gambie, entre autres.

Précédant la discussion avec le Président, il y avait aussi une réunion de travail avec la Première Dame, Ligia Fonseca, avec une vue de discuter de la collaboration avec Miss Afrique de l'Ouest sur ​​ses projets pour les personnes âgées.

Vanny sera également parler de ces projets, ses premiers 2 mois que Miss Afrique de l'Ouest, et beaucoup plus de choses quand elle est interviewée sur Dolshradio ce vendredi 17 mai à 15 heures au Cap-Vert temps time/11am des États-Unis. Consulter-out pour que le vendredi que son sûr d'être grande écoute.

Para mais fotos por favor clique aqui: Presidencial visita fotos

For more pictures please go here: Presidential visit pictures

Pour plus de photos s'il vous plaît rendez-vous ici: Présidentiel visite photos

Ivanilda: Facebook / Website

Sunday 12 February 2012

Dates for Miss West Africa!!! / Dates pour Miss Afrique de l'Ouest! / Datas para Miss África Ocidental!

DCS - Dates for this event will be announced soon / Dates pour cet événement seront annoncés sous peu / Datas para este evento serão anunciados em breve.
TBC - Event not confirmed yet / Événement n'est pas encore confirmé /Evento não confirmado ainda.
SLC - Queen will be selected / Reine seront sélectionnés / Rainha serão seleccionados

2011 Countries / Pays / Países
Benin (DCS)
Burkino Faso (DCS)
Cameroon (DCS)
Canada (TBC)
Cape Verde - 29/06/2012
France (TBC)
Gambia (DCS)
Germany (DCS)
Ghana - 28/07/2012
Guinea (TBC)
Guinea Bissau (DCS)
Italy (DCS)
Ivory Coast - 12/05/2012
Liberia - 02/06/2012
Mali (TBC)
Mauritania (DCS)
Niger (TBC)
Nigeria (DCS)
Sao Tome et Principe (DCS)
Senegal (DCS)
Sierra Leone - 21/04/2012
Togo (TBC)
United Kingdom - 25/08/2012
United States - 02/09/2012

New Countries / Nouveaux Pays / Países Novas
Switzerland 04/08/2012
Belgium (TBC)
Holland (SLC)
Australia (TBC)
Russia (TBC)
Portugal (TBC)

Potential organisers or applicants in TBC countries will need to come forward before Mid March. Lack of an organiser in a foreign country will result to the exclusion of the particular country. Lack of an organiser in a West African country will result in an online voting competition or a selection of a representative. For more info email

Les organisateurs potentiels ou des candidats dans les pays TBC devront se manifester avant la mi Mars. Manque d'un organisateur dans un pays étranger se traduira à l'exclusion du pays en particulier. Manque d'un organisateur dans un pays ouest-africaine se traduira par une concurrence de vote en ligne ou d'une sélection d'un représentant. Pour informations sur le contact

Organizadores ou potenciais candidatos, em países TBC terá de vir para a frente antes de meados de março. A falta de um organizador em um país estrangeiro terá como resultado a exclusão do país em particular. A falta de um organizador de um país Oeste Africano vai resultar em um concurso de votação online ou uma escolha de um representante. Para mais informação de contato

Vanny Reis (Miss West Africa International 2011/12)