
Saturday 30 April 2011

Yassin Jagne is the first Crowned MWA Queen on African Soil

We have a beautiful winner, what an amazing day, wow!! Toughest competition by far!! More pictures to come soon on

Tonight, Miss West Africa Gambia 2011!!

You have to love the Gambian government and people as a whole, always quick to support young initiatives. We are honored to have the lady crown Miss West Africa Gambia 2011 in the presence of her excellency, the 1st lady. This is a historical act and leap for African beauty pageants brought to you by Miss West Africa. 2night!!

Friday 29 April 2011

Videos of the Miss West Africa Gambia contestants

Now you can watch the Miss West Africa Gambia girls right before the show. Love it!!

Thursday 28 April 2011

Auditions for Miss West Africa Cameroon Begins...

All the female models of Bamenda town are informed to take part in the Miss West Africa Cameroon audition and casting for the Miss West Africa International that is schedule to take place in Lagos, Nigeria in December 17th, 2011. All the interested models...

More info @

Flyer for Miss West Africa Gambia 2011

For more info visit

Happy Independence Sierra Leone - by Shireen Benjamin

Happy 50th Independence Day to Sierra Leone. Today is the day that we gained our freedom and peaceful transition into independence after many yrs of British colonial rule. God willing our nation will be blessed and our people will rejoice sweet Salone x - Shireen Benjamin, Miss West Africa International

MWA Gambia Contestants!

Get to know the Miss West Africa Gambia 2011 contestants, if you wish to know more visit to read and vote on them.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

MWA Gambia; Who Is Your Favourite Candidate?

Miss West Africa Gambia vote lines opened. The whole Africa is watching the biggest event to happen in Gambia this year. The winner will be internationally recognised as the ambassador in the finals. For more information visit

Tuesday 26 April 2011

How Astride Celebrated Sierra Leone.

Astride Costa, Miss West Africa UK, @ Sierra Leone Independence UK

Monday 25 April 2011

See Where MWA Gambia Would Be Held

Isnt the Gambia beautiful? Just incase you want to know where Miss West Africa Gambia 2011 will be held, check this video out. For more info visit

Friday 22 April 2011

Good News; Astride Costa is Set To Sing @ Salones Independence Day

Astride Costa, Miss West Africa UK 2010, to sing the Sierra Leone national anthem infront of the Sierra Leone - UK high commissioner and other diplomats as well as being invited as a special guest to the celebration. More info to come.

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Watch Astride Costa on the Sporah Show tonight.

Monday 18 April 2011

Penjo Ents. Host Miss West Africa Cameroon 2011


Sunday 17 April 2011

Success @ Miss West Africa Gambia 2011 Auditions

Here are some images from the auditions for Miss West Africa Gambia 2011.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Miss West Africa Gambia 2011 Audition Today!

We are having the best time at Miss West Africa Gambia Auditions, one journalist has claimed it to be the best turn out of Gambian girls at an audition. You will surely be updated soon.

Wednesday 13 April 2011


Once again we would like to remind everyone that Miss West Africa is not a political organisation anyway, the views expressed in this statement are not the views of the queens nor the local organisers, but a side of information from independent, and mainstream media and the journalist signatured below that is currently being neglected due to high numbers of media quickly embracing all propaganda put out by France and the UN. Most of the mainstream media in Africa and media in Europe are all quick to reprint the same stories of inconsistency in regards to the character of Laurent Gbagbo, the Assassin Allasane Ouattara, and the French and UN army who are heavily engaged in this was to it is only right their press releases will be biased.

Usa Journalist expose the truth

Some Africans have celebrated Gbagbos capture, some even calling for his death of facebook statuses and many claiming this should be a lesson for other African presidents. I will not blame them, one of my colleagues has totally and emotionally changed due to his capture and she is consistently worried, just about a week ago she was in full support of Ouattara until she caught on to the activities of France, UN and Ouattara, activities that have been proven of their violent attacks on the people of Ivory Coast. That is a stage which is unnecessary to repeat in this write up if you didn't follow then. This write up is to keep people updated and relative activities since Gbagbos capture. It is not to say all the reports on mainstream tv and media is false, that would be totally stupid, however, it is to point out how it is being reported and the false information combined with their reports to gain the support for the removal of Gbagbo.

UN, France and Ouattaras camp claimed Ouattaras forces captured Gbagbo, news from the Gbagbo camp claimed he surrendered as he wanted the violence against the Ivorian people to stop and despite him surrendering he and his family were brutally mishandled as if he was caught against his will. What happens when the army of the highly supported presidents are worn out? The people who had been defending Gbagbo throughout this whole period were not soldiers they were locals and natives with no heavy artillery who gathered around his palace, these are the people France and the UN were bombing as well as schools, houses, and various parts of Abijan, the capital, and this is the very reason Gbagbo surrendered, for their well being as their villages and town were being pillaged. On the surrender France had Ouattaras men deal with the capture, the UN put out media that they were treated humane in the capture. Proof below shows otherwise, Gbagbos son bleeding whilst being brutally hit on the head, women apparantly being molested by Ouattaras soldiers and a picture below showing one heavily beaten.

How they responded to Gbagbos surrender (Gbagbo surrendered to stop the violence against the people of Ivory Coast) the UN reports said they were carefully removed. This is the footage the UN forget to include. They guy with blood on his back is Gbagbos son.

Abused Jean-Jacques Béchio, adviser to Gbagbo

A woman physically abused and molested by Ouattaras thugs

Ouattaras activities is against the consititution of Ivory Coast and no matter if he ceases power, in the name of Ivory Coast he will remain a war criminal, not by my thoughts but the constitution, they need Gbagbo to sign over the presidency in order for Ouattara to legitimately be the president. Surely if Ouattara won the elections fair and square Gbagbo is not needed to sign any papers. They have given Gbagbo many many offers to surrender Ivory Coast over to Ouattara, in a previous french interview he said he is not doing this for him, and there is no way he will give the country over to someone who did not win the election because it is not the will of the people. This is the man whom France, the UN and Ouattara wants you to believe is a coward clinging on to power.

Gbagbo was offered to be a university lecturer in attempt to make him sign over Ivory Coast to Ouattara after his capture after brutal beatings and he refused, they also offered 30% of his own cabinet to work alongside the murderer Ouattara which he also refused (report by CNN ). Since, Desire Tagro, his interior minister, has mysteriously died the reasons apparantly remain unclear (In French ).

In the video below, in the car is Desire Tagro, Gbagbos interior minister, with his shirt blooded and half his face off. Yet in that glimpse the camera catches, his only wish is that you see the truth. He is now dead in the hand of Ouattaras men supported by France. How can we look at this regime of genuine African leaders and claim they are selfish individuals clinging to power.

Due to the Ivorian people rebelling against the UN, France and Ouattara and their intentions to free Gbagbo, and with all the media covering the truth, Outtaras men have decided to take Gbagbo to the north of Ivory Coast where a small number of muslim communities had shown support for Ouattara during the presidnetial run off. This is to iscolate Gbagbo from the support of the people. Nudity of Gbagbo's wife has been exposed, the counsellor and chief of staff Alcide Djédjé Marie-josée Bouré was raped, and mutilated before being executed by Ouattaras men (in french ).

Moroccans at a football match on the 10th of April

Ghanaians burn a french flag in support of Gbagbo

Ghana: Réactions après le kidnapping français du... by Nzwamba

This is the work of France and the UN, and the man Ouattara, whom some Africans are happy to be in power because they have no clue of what is going on in Ivory Coast. As Inhof said below, this is an example of what will and can happen to any other African country that thinks it is time to celebrate, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, you name it. Why is France so engaged? We are talking about a country in a whole continent in the midst of their recession, whilst Africa is flourishing with wealth, the only way they will survive out of this is more activities around the world such as what is happening in Ivory Coast, by criminalising independent leaders and waging war on them, or funding neo colonial (puppet leaders) whom will then get rich personally over transfering the nations wealth and resources over to their colonial country. However, the only way they will and can get away with it is be false propaganda and information covering the abuse of African lives, and the only way we can combat it is to promote the truth.

Can you believe how a man has been made to look like a parasite due to standing for his people? Why would a president be the instigator of killing if he already has the thrown. In the video below, France/UN play a heavy role is innitiating Gbagbos capture only to pretend with a false press release that Ouattaras cowardly thugs were capable of achieving this themselves.

The boys at the end are not soldiers as they would wish you to believe but locals that decided not to run but to defend their chosen president.

Ouattaras men can now rape and axe your daughter to death because France wants Cocoa. You can either stay silent or post the videos or this blog on any forurm you wish depending and the type of person you are. The cowardly AU, and all the other cowardly African presidents are only now beginning to voice their opinions, but lets see if they amount to anything. This is not about winning or losing, its about understanding who your African presidents are and what happens when they obey the will of the African people. With Gbagbo now taken to the north, there is no clue what will happen to him or the extent of torture he will be taken through to sign over the presidency. So from here on we can not say we do not have good African leaders, we can look at ourselves and ask if our leaders have good African followers. The question is where ever they take him, would he give up the African people, or would they fabricate a false signature claiming he signed over the presidency. All this human torture for the neo colonial wealth of France.

Inhof addresses the president again (must see)

Please note we will not continue to put any further information about this matter on the the Miss West Africa blog, if you wish to find out more information you can also like the facebook page where links to related media is given or . If you do not speak french you should be able to understand with the help of google translate|en. Hopefully you can join us in saying shame to the cowardly AU for having the world acknowledge this and stand up against it before they did. All of this has been done because they believe Africans are unimportant and this crime will go unheard of and blow in the wind, lets tell the French, sorry but not this year, and not in our blood!

Here is just one of many images of the result of the French/UN bombings from our last post.

Thanks for reading
Nana Tamakloe

And by the way, president Obama endorsed this masacre, I would just like to say to you, Gbagbo dances better than you and the Ellen Show.

Ouattara soldiers (who were supported by France and the UN) whip civilians in public

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Miss West Africa Italy 2011 Contestants Revealed!

Here are a handful of contestants from Miss West Africa Italia. Visit the website to check all of them out.

Astride, Miss West Africa UK, Shares her Talent With the World

Astride Costa Will be singing here. Visit for more info.

Saturday 9 April 2011


Here is a video to get to know Astride Costa a little bit more. Enjoy!!

Thursday 7 April 2011


We would like to clarify that Miss West Africa is not a political organisation, but despite that it is impossible, heartless, and backwards against everything Africans before us have died for, for us to ignore the killings and recolonisation of Ivory Coast by France. We feel sometimes despite what we believe there are things that are principled and we will just be as evil to ignore the death of over 2,000 Africans with a clear understanding of the lies that support it.

We hope France, the UN, and Ouattara's men are brought to justice!

Viva la Cote D'Ivoire

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Our hopes go out to all those of Ivory Coast who are fighting to defend their democracy and independence. Before we begin, politics is a very dirty and confusion field where people are used as weapons by those with power. All we can say is that in this case we are experiencing a clear cut violation of independence, freedom, and humanitarian rights by the UN.

We hope the situation in Ivory Coast can really expose the UN for what it is and shed light to the fact if the United nations can be trusted in the Affairs of Africa or not.

After the elections the local authorities declared Laurent Gbagbo as the winner of the presidential elections in Ivory Coast. however a so called "independent" electoral body put in place by the UN later declared Ouattara as the winner.

Soon this video became public to the Ivorian community.....

However, the news and press release put out by the UN and France suggested otherwise and that Laurent Gbagbo's win was the fraudulent with. With the UN and France having domination of the international press and influenced the wider society. At this point Ouattara began his attempt of a military Coup De'tat to take over the presidential position. Their viscious activities was financed by the UN and France, and since then began the mass killings of innocent lives, whilst the majority of people believed this was an act of Gbagbo. But why would a president playing defence run out to kill people?

Below is Obamas input in which the interviewee spoke about.

And from the comments below on the Youtube page you can make a clear understanding of what the ivorians now think of Obama and the USA. Obama did not do his research, Gbagbos forces had called many times for a cease fire, and had accepted mediation by the UN, both with Ouattaras forces rejected.

Ivorians in Ivory Coast became very aware of the false propaganda being put around the world by France and the UN thanks to the likes of bloggers, facebook supporters, and youtube and began projecting their support for their elected president Gbagbo.

However Obama's call gave legitimacy to Ouattara and the French to make their way into committing the mass murders that have recently happened. Since then over 1,000 people have been killed, via burning and axes and bullets.

Now Ouattara is in the main capital along side the French blowing up schools, hospitals, houses, military camps alongside either the French or the UN army.

They are minutes away from siezing power. And minutes away from a monster who has no origin ties to the country and has contributed to the mass murder of over a 1000 people. Siezing power of Ivory Coast is a very serious message to Africa and all the celebrated 50th Independence Anniversaries. In the midst of Africa bearing so much wealth and Europe in a recession, the loss of Gbagbo will show us that when France, any other powerful nation wishes to force its way and take over an African country they will do it without the respect and intention of the people.

Currently, there are rumours Gbagbo is negotiating his departure from the presidential title at the mercy of the French. Without a strong stand of concern for our people we should quite asking why is Africa so rich and Africans so poor, the answer is in your failure to support the truth, because is our so called media chose to investigate the situation these atrocities and deaths would not have won support. A win to Gbagbo, who also has his flaws, although highly supported by the Ivorian, is a win for the people and a win for Africa. Even if he is removed the noise will rain, but our acceptance is our acceptance of beign exploited, abused, killed and raped off our so called independence and this is a prime example. Miss West Africa is not a political organisation, but we refuse to let 1,000 people die for one of the most incorrect scenarios without a statement. We will not go backwards, Africa will rise and even if Gbagbo is removed from power (which is set to take place today) at least we have a clearer understanding of what is going on.

God Bless Humanity and all supporters of Love of taking a stand for what is correct. We will try and update this page as much as possible so always feel free to refresh.


RECENT UPDATES: Update 05th April 2011, 6.47pm
Rumours on mainstream media claim Gbagbos minister of Affair is seeking refuge in the french embassy and has changed his stance and turned away his support from Gbagbo. Unfortunately, Gbagbos camp has reported this as lies, AND CLAIM, Alcide Djedje Gbagbo's minister of affairs, went to the french embassy on a mission to seek the immediate cessation of bombings by the French against Ivory Coast which has killed OVER 2307 civilian in one day. The Gbagbos camp claim France put this false information our to put pressure on him to come out and surrender to the French army.

RECENT UPDATES: Update 05th April 2011, 8.37pm
some news site in support of the UN and Ouattara claims from the UN camp state Gbagbo has been captured and has is presidential palace surrendered. They also claim he has began peace negotiations. News from Gbagbo supporters say this is a lie and an intention to relief the city of Ivory Coast from rebelling, they also claim it is an intention to reduce speculation and suspicions from the international community. Keep spreading the word. Here is an old video from Gbagbos daughter not to long ago.
Click here to watch, this video will only play if you have a facebook page.

RECENT UPDATES: Update 06th April 2011, 8.37pm
Yesterday's claims about the French Army and the UN finding Gbagbo and negotiating his departure are totally false. This was an intent to show to the international community that Gbagbo had surrendered is people even when he had not. They still have not found him. The French army continues to bomb hospitals, schools, and hotels, whilst the UN continues to put out false press to the rest of the world. If they found Gbagbo why is there not one picture showing the UN/French army alongside him. Yesterday around 7pm, he made an interview on radio saying if the people never chose Ouattara then he doesnt see why he should sign over his country to Ouattara, this is not part of their constitution. Since the French began their military attack over 2300 Ivorians died in the one day and more since. Russia has spoken out to denounce France's and the UN's activities, the AU (African Unity) has also come out to denounce them, and so has the South African president. France and the UN are in a race against time to kill Gbagbo before the international community turns their back on them and expose them for their war crimes. If you wish to hear Gbagbo radio interview on line watch this. But note you will need a french translator.

Click here to watch Gbagbos recent interview exposing the lies the french army gave that he sign negotiations to surrender Ivory Coast

Apparantly Gbagbos camp claim they only called in france to negotiate a cease fire between them and Ouattara, but they night the came into Ivory Coast they ignored their call for a cease fire, started bombing and killing over 2300 people in attempt to kill Gbagbo.

Monday 4 April 2011

Senegalese Independence Day!!!

Happy Independence Day to All the Senegalese communities out there!!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Pictures of Astride Costa (Miss West Africa UK) at The Sporah Show

We had a great day today at the Sporah Show. Here are a couple of snaps.

Pictures from MWA Gambia 2011

Here are a few pictures from MWA Gambia. If you like what you see, see the full set @

Saturday 2 April 2011

Astride To Sing on The Sporah Show

Astride Costa (Mis West Africa UK) will be singing exclusively on Ben TV, Sporah's show, as well as a main featured artist on the next Close Up event, with a big project set for Sierra Leones 50th Independence. Get regular updates from her facebook page.